Which Country Does This Come From?
This activity will show you where in the world our clothes, food and other things come from.
This activity will show you where in the world our clothes, food and other things come from.
This activity will show you where in the world our clothes, food and other things come from.
Work in small groups.
Decide in the class which items each group will investigate. Examples of items you could investigate are:
- clothes and shoes
- toys
- kitchen equipment
- electrical equipment
- packaged food (e.g. packets and cans)
- stationery and school items (pens, etc.)
At home, look at the labels on items that your group has chosen to investigate. Make a list of the items and which country each has come from. You could also visit a supermarket to look for a greater variety of items.
Discussions and Follow-Up
1. When you meet with your group again, share your information.
2. With the whole class, discuss which countries different kinds of goods come from.
3. How much of what we buy comes from the global market place?
4. Use a large world map. Stick pictures of the various items (or use the actual labels or packaging) around the edge of the map. Use string or thread to link each item or group of items with a particular country, to show the origin of the things we buy.