Changes in My Community
This exercise challenges students to learn about historic changes in their own communities by asking older community members about changes within their lifetime and them mapping the results.
This exercise challenges students to learn about historic changes in their own communities by asking older community members about changes within their lifetime and them mapping the results.
Working in small groups, interview older people in your family and in your community. Find out what changes have occurred to the land and the environment in your area.
Here are some examples of questions:
- Has the number of houses in the area changed (increased or decreased?)
- Are there new buildings now? What are these buildings for?
- Are there more paths or roads? Have some disappeared?
- Has the amount of water in rivers or lakes changed?
- Is it cleaner or more polluted now?
- Has the amount of agricultural land increased or decreased?
- Is there more litter now or before?
- Has there been changes in the amount or type of vegetation
- Have any habitats disappeared?
- Have any special plants or animals disappeared?
Discussion and Follow-Up
1. Make two maps or drawings of the area showing how it was in the past and how it is now.
2. Try to find out what has caused the changes shown on your map.
3. Write a short report about what factors have changed your local environment.
Teacher's Note
Display the maps at school or in the community centre (ask for permission first!)