Among the seeming monotony of the steppes of the European part of Russia, there are oases of life, filled with the hubbub of birds and concentrating all the steppe inhabitants around them.
These are reservoirs scattered among the dried-up spaces - artesians, small lakes formed by the spills of artesian wells. While conducting studies of steppe species of animals, zoologists have repeatedly been convinced that, despite their small size, artesians play an important role for the few remaining undisturbed areas of the steppes. Many vulnerable and endangered species of birds and mammals depend on these small salt lakes in the steppe.
Среди кажущегося однообразия степей Европейской части России есть оазисы жизни, наполненные гомоном птиц и концентрирующие вокруг себя всех степных обитателей.
Это разбросанные среди иссушенных пространств водоемы – артезианы, небольшие озерца, образованные разливами артезианских скважин. Проводя исследования степных видах животных, зоологи не раз убеждались, что, несмотря на небольшие размеры, артезианы играют важную роль для немногих сохранившихся ненарушенных участков степей.
Жизнь многих уязвимых и краснокнижных видов птиц и млекопитающих зависит от этих маленьких соленых озер в степи.
Comparative analysis of chymus transformation have been carried out in Saiga tatarica kept at the
Center for Wild Animals of Kalmykia, as well as in four wild Bovidae species: the Siberian ibex Capra sibirica,
the East Caucasian tur C. cylindricornis, the chamois Rupicapra rupicapra, and the bighorn sheep Ovis
сanadensis. The size composition of cellulose fibers and the nutrient content were studied in different parts
of the digestive tract and in feces of 12 animals. It was found that the relative cellulose value in the saiga rumen
was higher than in other Bovidae species, whereas in feces it was lower. The most effective cellulose fiber
reduction in the digestive tract was observed in the…
Analysis of high-resolution satellite images taken during the cold part of the year demonstrates
that they can be used to reliably distinguish the saiga from domestic ungulates and also to determine the dis
tribution of saiga herds over large areas. To achieve maximum reliability in differentiating animal species in
satellite images, one should use a number of characteristics (including the color of animals, their size and
shape, and herd structure) and prioritize those that are most prominently displayed in particular images. The
results of this study can be used to develop a non-invasive and highly accurate method for saiga census.
The composition of plants consumed by saigas in the Black Lands of Kalmykia throughout the year was studied