Svetlana Aitkulov:
The project is aimed at the development of the material and technical equipment of the State Budgetary Institution "…
Mikhail Shpigelman:
Our project is aimed at studying the negative impact of saiga, in places of mass concentration on agricultural crops and pastures.…
Karina Karenina:
For many species of social herbivores, it has been shown that in certain areas of their habitats, social behavior is manifested most actively, and some…
Ekaterina Berezina:
During my research, I plan to use photos from camera traps placed near the…
Dilnaz Malikova:
Due to world pandemic pupils over the world are facing with the difficulties of study, but I would like to use this situation to increase their…
Kuandak Aikumys:
“My project is devoted to disseminating information on saiga conservation among both local residents and tourists who often come to our village to see saigas.
Aibat Muzbay:
“My research is focused on water resources and existing peasant agricultures on the habitat of Ustyurt saiga antelope population. The farm is an area which mostly situated on…
Muhit Suttibay leads the project “Suppression of the dissemination of ads for buying and selling saiga horns in the Internet space of Kazakhstan”
Olga Vorontseva and Babette Fourier lead the project “Stepnoi Surveillance” dedicated to surveillance and research of saigas in the Stepnoi Reserve, in Russia
You can find…
The Saiga Mural Painting Project is led by artist Rory McCann. Rory has the ambition to instill a love for nature and creativity in people. Many of his mural works are carried out…
The Saiga Mural Painting Project is led by artist Rory McCann. Rory has the ambition to instill a love for nature and creativity in people. Many of his mural works are carried out…
The Saiga Mural Painting Project is led by artist Rory McCann. Rory has the ambition to instill a love for nature and creativity in people. Many of his mural works are carried out…
The Saiga Mural Painting Project is led by artist Rory McCann. Rory has the ambition to instill a love for nature and creativity in people. Many of his mural works are carried out…
In 2007 the SCA initiated a pioneering Small Grants Programme. This competition aims to build capacity at the grassroots level by enabling individuals to apply for a grant for a one…
In 2007 the SCA initiated a pioneering Small Grants Programme. This competition aims to build capacity at the grassroots level by enabling individuals to apply for a grant for a one…
In 2007 the SCA initiated a pioneering Small Grants Programme. This competition aims to build capacity at the grassroots level by enabling individuals to apply for a grant for a one…
In 2007 the SCA initiated a pioneering Small Grants Programme. This competition aims to build capacity at the grassroots level by enabling individuals to apply for a grant for a one…
In 2007 the SCA initiated a pioneering Small Grants Programme. This competition aims to build capacity at the grassroots level by enabling individuals to apply for a grant for a one…
The SCA recognises that it is imperative to support the next generation of conservationists, and so with our Young Conservation Leaders award we are able to support aspiring conservationists (…
The SCA recognises that it is imperative to support the next generation of conservationists, and so with our Young Conservation Leaders award we are able to support aspiring conservationists (…
The SCA recognises that it is imperative to support the next generation of conservationists, and so with our Young Conservation Leaders award we are able to support aspiring conservationists (…
The SCA recognises that it is imperative to support the next generation of conservationists, and so with our Young Conservation Leaders award we are able to support aspiring conservationists (…
The SCA recognises that it is imperative to support the next generation of conservationists, and so with our Young Conservation Leaders award we are able to support aspiring conservationists (…
Teacher training 2017
Our first ‘Wildlife Academy for Environmental Educators’ in Uzbekistan took place in 2017. The…
Protected Areas Day: This day ran in February 2017 in Russia and Uzbekistan as part of an international initiative for the 100th anniversary of…
Protected Areas Day: This day ran in February 2017 in Russia and Uzbekistan as part of an international initiative for the 100th anniversary of…
Protected Areas Day: This day ran in February 2017 in Russia and Uzbekistan as part of an international initiative for the 100th anniversary of…
Protected Areas Day: This day ran in February 2017 in Russia and Uzbekistan as part of an international initiative for the 100th anniversary of…
Day of migratory species: A new initiative to inspire young people and tell them about animals further afield and the importance they all play in…
Day of migratory species: A new initiative to inspire young people and tell them about animals further afield and the importance they all play in…
Day of migratory species: A new initiative to inspire young people and tell them about animals further afield and the importance they all play in…
Day of migratory species: A new initiative to inspire young people and tell them about animals further afield and the importance they all play in…
In 2017 this ecological festival drew a large audience in (>3000 people in Uzbekistan alone): from kindergarten and primary school kids to adults of all ages. …
In 2017 this ecological festival drew a large audience in (>3000 people in Uzbekistan alone): from kindergarten and primary school kids to adults of all ages. …
In 2017 this ecological festival drew a large audience in (>3000 people in Uzbekistan alone): from kindergarten and primary school kids to adults of all ages. …
In 2017 this ecological festival drew a large audience in (>3000 people in Uzbekistan alone): from kindergarten and primary school kids to adults of all ages. …
In 2017 this ecological festival drew a large audience in (>3000 people in Uzbekistan alone): from kindergarten and primary school kids to adults of all ages. …
Steppe Wildlife Clubs: Steppe Wildlife Clubs have been set up in Russia, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan to inspire mainly teenage children to take an interest in the…
Steppe Wildlife Clubs: Steppe Wildlife Clubs have been set up in Russia, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan to inspire mainly teenage children to take an interest in the…
Steppe Wildlife Clubs: Steppe Wildlife Clubs have been set up in Russia, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan to inspire mainly teenage children to take an interest in the…
Steppe Wildlife Clubs: Steppe Wildlife Clubs have been set up in Russia, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan to inspire mainly teenage children to take an interest in the…
Main achievements: We have recruited an excellent collaborator in the UK, who is very keen to work with SCA colleagues to implement this…
Main achievements:
On 28th-29th August 2017, the Russian Academy of Science’s Institute of Ecology & Evolution,…
Main achievements: Right across the saiga's range we are in continual contact with local government, …
Main achievements: In 2016 our SCA colleagues in Uzbekistan advised the Uzbek government and helped it to reach the decision to gazette the 'Saigachy Reserve'…
Main achievements: In May 2017 we collected data about the biodiversity of Vozrozhdenie Island to study its isolated saiga population and other species of…
Participatory monitoring involves local people in monitoring natural resources in their communities. It has gained popularity in recent years as a method of collecting ecological…
The Kuralai Alternative Livelihood project in Uzbekistan celebrates local women who are creating beautiful traditionally embroidered bags to help save saigas.
Conservation is difficult for moving targets, such as migratory species or landscapes subject to environmental change. Biodiversity offsetting is a novel approach that involves active compensation…