Animal Features
This game explores similarities and differences between animals. If a species is adapted to live in a particular habitat or feed on a particular food, it is vulnerable to habitat change.
This game explores similarities and differences between animals.
Group size: minimum of eight
Conservation Message
If a species is adapted to live in a particular habitat or feed on a particular food, it is vulnerable if there is a change to the habitat or its source of food.
Key Learning Outcomes
To understand about adaptations, habitats, foods and behaviours of different animals.
Make picture cards for up to eight species of animals. These could include saiga, jerboa, tortoise, eagle, dragonfly, marmot, grasshopper, hoopoe.
Alternatively, you could choose birds and animals found in your school grounds or local community.
You need one card per participant.
Playing Instructions
1. Sit everyone in a circle.
2. Give each participant a card with the name and/or picture of their animal.
3. Call out an animal feature (see examples below). Everyone whose animal has this feature runs around the circle and back to his or her own seat.
a) All those with webbed feet
b) All those that eat fish
c) All those that cannot fly
d) All those that eat seeds
e) All those that nest on the ground
f) All those that live in a forest
g) All those with feathers
Discussion or Follow-Up
Discuss why animals have different adaptations.
Ask everyone to design their own imaginary animal that is suited to life in a particular habitat.