Updates to the Saiga Resource Centre
Thanks to our expert team, the Saiga Resource Centre has recently undergone some improvements.
Announcement published in Saiga News Issue 20 on page 28.
Searches can now be made in the Literature, Pictures and Video sections. Visitors can search literature by author, subject and year and can search pictures by photographer and subject. We have also included a useful new 'mass die-off' search option in both sections.
We have added a lot of new content, including beautiful photographs of saigas taken by Andrey Gilev and Karina Karenina, who visited the Stepnoi Sanctuary in Russia earlier this year ( see their article). Check the newsfeed for regular updates on scientific news and project information, which you can access from either the Home page or Background section.
If you have ever read an interesting article in Saiga News, but cannot remember which issue it was in, you will be pleased to hear that we have added a useful tool which allows users of the English and Russian sites to view the highlights of each issue at a glance. The same function on the Chinese and Kazakh sites will follow soon. If you need to find a 'saiga expert', we have also added several new names to the Specialist Resources section. Please let us know if you would like to be added to this valuable section.
Further scheduled development work for 2016 includes:
- picture and video descriptions
- improvements to the Education section
- CMS content updates