
This section features people who have been recognised for making a major contribution to saiga conservation. They come from all walks of life throughout the world, but are united in their passion for this species. Their dedication to the saiga antelope is an inspiration. Please contact us if you would like to nominate a saiga hero. Yuri Arylov, Centre for Wild Animals, Republic of Kalmykia
'Mere enthusiasm is not enough to feed a saiga!' - Y. Arylov Yuri Nimeyevich Arylov is the Director of the Centre for Wild Animals in the Republic of Kalmykia, a Doctor of Biology, a Professor at the Kalmyk State University and an honoured worker of science of the Republic of Kalmykia.  It is obvious that saigas have been Professor Arylov's passion for many years. His range of interests in science are wide, having been actively engaged for the last 24 years in studying ungulate ecology, in particular saigas, game ranching, environment protection, and ecological education for different sectors of the population.
'To meet saigas was a great piece of luck and a good sign for me!' - A. Salemgareyev Albert Salemgareyev is Technical Coordinator of the Altyn Dala Environmental Protection Initiative under the Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity of Kazakhstan (ACBK). He started work with this organization as a project assistant in 2007 when he was a student.  The editor of Saiga News interviews Albert Salemgareyev Albert's research interests embrace informatics, biodiversity, hiking, bird-watching, photography and video filming (which turned into his profession.)