
Paeoartist Julius T. Csotonyi and Olya Esipova from SCA will show you how easily you can draw a saiga
Paeoartist Julius T. Csotonyi and Olya Esipova from SCA will show you how easily you can draw a saiga.  Video in Russian   Художник анималист Julius T. Csotonyi и Оля Есипова из Альянса по сохранению сайгака расскажут, как просто нарисовать сайгака.
Paleoartist Julius T. Csotonyi and Olya from SCA will show you how to draw a saiga head
Paleoartist Julius T. Csotonyi and Olya Esipova from SCA will show you how to draw a saiga head - video in Russian Художник анималист Julius T. Csotonyi и Оля Есипова из Альянса по сохранению сайгака расскажут, как просто нарисовать голову сайгака.
Paleoartist Julius T. Csotonyiand Olya Esipova from SCA will show you how to draw a saiga body
Paleoartist Julius T. Csotonyi and Olga Esipova from SCA will show you how to draw a saiga body - video in Russian Художник анималист Julius T. Csotonyi и Оля Есипова из Альянса по сохранению сайгака расскажут, как просто нарисовать туловище сайгака.
Trade in wildlife is increasingly moving online, which creates significant challenges for monitoring. Numerous reports have highlighted the extent of the trade but they rarely present a methodology to facilitate replication or any form of meta-analysis. Here we present a systematic approach to surveying online trade in wildlife that builds on the well-established systematic evidence review approach. We apply this approach to investigate the online trade in saiga antelope Saiga tatarica horns on Russian-language websites. Of the 419 advertisements, the majority (217, 52%) were from Ukraine, followed by Russia (122, 29%), and were largely offers to sell (254, 61%), and represented…