
  The Saiga Mural Painting Project is led by artist Rory McCann. Rory has the ambition to instill a love for nature and creativity in people. Many of his mural works are carried out in partnership with young people and schools. 2015 In 2015, McCann continued the saiga mural project with a new project, this time in the village of Karasu, Kazakhstan. It is so remote that it involves an overnight train and then 12 hours by van to reach from Astana, the capital city of Kazakhstan. The mural was created over eight days of work, and features 25 steppe animals represented. These include the white-headed duck, greater flamingo, little bustard, pallid harrier, steppe eagle, red fox, corsac…
  The Saiga Mural Painting Project is led by artist Rory McCann. Rory has the ambition to instill a love for nature and creativity in people. Many of his mural works are carried out in partnership with young people and schools. 2016 In 2016, Rory went to Kalmykia, Russia, and inspired the next generation of young conservationists with another amazing mural. Thanks go to Wildlife Conservation Network and WWF Russia for making this possible.   Read about the Kalmyk mural here Read about other murals here  
  The Saiga Mural Painting Project is led by artist Rory McCann. Rory has the ambition to instill a love for nature and creativity in people. Many of his mural works are carried out in partnership with young people and schools. In 2017 he painted his fourth mural in Mongolia, engaging local school children in the process with some stunning results Read about the Mongolian project here Read about the other murals here  
Featured Article An overview of the online trade in saiga antelope horns in China Updates Strategic Meeting to Advance Conservation of Central Asian Migratory Mammals A workshop on saiga captive breeding held in Moscow  Some news from the Stepnoy Reserve in Astrakhan province, Russia
Арнаулы тақырып Джек Й. К. Лам Қытайда ақбөкен мүйіздерімен сауда жасаудың он-лайн талдауы Жаңалықтар Полина Орлински Орта Азияның қоныс аударатын сүтқоректілерді қорғауды күшейту туралы стратегиялық мәжіліс 
Специальная тема Джек Й. К. Лам Анализ онлайн-торговли рогами сайгака в Китае Новости Полина Орлински Стратегическое совещание по усилению охраны мигрирующих млекопитающих Центральной Азии Э. Дж. Милнер-Гулланд В Москве прошел семинар по разведению сайгаков в неволе
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