
Access scientific publications and other resources about the saiga antelope. If you would like your document published please email us.

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I.A. Grachev, A.B. Bekenov, E.J. Milner-Gulland, A.J. McConville, A. Keane, T. Coulson ( ) Reconstructing the observation process to correct for changing detection probability of a critically endangered species, ENDANGERED SPECIES RESEARCH (pdf)
E.J. Milner-Gulland, A. Kuhl, N. Balinova, E. Bykova, Y.N. Arylov, A. Esipov, A. Lushchekina ( ) The Role of Saiga Poaching in Rural Communities: Linkages between attitudes, socio-economic circumstances and behaviour, Biological Conservation (pdf)
E.J. Milner-Gulland, A. Kuhl ( ) Desperately Seeking Saiga (pdf)