Peer Reviewed

E.J. Milner-Gulland, M. Lundervold, R. Langvatn ( ) A comparison of age estimation methods for the saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica), Royal Society (pdf)
N.J. Singh, I.A. Grachev, A.B. Bekenov, E.J. Milner-Gulland ( ) Tracking Greenery Across a Latitudinal Gradient in Central Asia – the Migration of the Saiga Antelope, Diversity and Distributions, (Diversity Distrib.) 1–13 (pdf)
N.J. Singh, I.A. Grachev, A.B. Bekenov, E.J. Milner-Gulland ( ) Saiga antelope calving site selection is increasingly driven by human disturbance, Biological Conservation (pdf)
I.A. Grachev, A.B. Bekenov, E.J. Milner-Gulland, A.J. McConville, A. Keane, T. Coulson ( ) Reconstructing the observation process to correct for changing detection probability of a critically endangered species, ENDANGERED SPECIES RESEARCH (pdf)
E.J. Milner-Gulland, A. Kuhl, N. Balinova, E. Bykova, Y.N. Arylov, A. Esipov, A. Lushchekina ( ) The Role of Saiga Poaching in Rural Communities: Linkages between attitudes, socio-economic circumstances and behaviour, Biological Conservation (pdf)
D. Rankin, H. Kokko ( ) Sex, Death and Tragedy, TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution Vol.21 No.5 (pdf)
I.A. Grachev, A.B. Bekenov, E.J. Milner-Gulland, Y.N. Arylov, A. Lushchekina, M.V. Kholodova, A.J. Easton, L. Amgalan, O. Ryder ( ) Mitochondrial DNA Variation and Population Structure of the Critically Endangered Saiga Antelope Saiga Tatarica, Oryx Vol 40 No 1 (pdf)
I.A. Grachev, A.B. Bekenov, E.J. Milner-Gulland, Y.N. Arylov, A. Lushchekina, M.V. Kholodova, A.J. Easton, L. Amgalan, O. Ryder ( ) Phylogenetic Analysis of Sequences of the 12S and 16S rRNA Mitochondrial Genes in the Family Bovidae: New Evidence, Oryx Vol 40 No 1 (pdf)
K. Sedlak, E. Bartova, I. Literak, R. Vodicka, J. Dubey ( ) Toxoplasmosis in Nilgais (Boselaphus Tragocamelus) and Saiga Antelope (Saiga Tatarica), Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 35(4): 530–533 (pdf)