
This is a cartoon about saiga calf and it is made of a unique combination of Mongolian sheep's wool and technology. It took about a month to produce the 4-minute cartoon. For the cartoon, 3 kinds of mini-stages, 6-character models were made from sheep's wool and dyed them with eco-friendly colours. Young content creators of Khovd province collaborated on this project. The cartoon aims to encourage the public to protect surface water and use it properly.
Открытая лекция об экосистемах, включающая описание игры в форме эстафеты и другие информационные материалы.  На английском и узбекском языках.   
Public lecture about Ecosystems accompanied by a relay game and additional information materials. In English and in Uzbek languages.
This is a Russian language animated video about the saiga antelope.